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About Same Day Podiatry

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Podiatry with a difference

Thank you for taking the time to consider Same Day Podiatry, the UK’s only advance practice podiatry company that can guarantee you an appointment within 1 working day. We are honoured that you have taken the time to read about our company, and some of the services we offer. We offer advanced Podiatry services across Leicestershire, and can treat most conditions affecting the foot and ankle to the highest possible standards. Same Day Podiatry came into existence after dedicating many years working in the NHS, and seeing first hand the difficulties the NHS face from staffing issues, long waiting lists and underfunded podiatry services. The underfunding and staffing crisis has lead to incredibly long waiting times, not just in Podiatry, but across all sectors and specialities. Even in the private sector, wait times for appointments has led to many patients suffering longer than they need too. Secondly, we noticed that the level of advanced Podiatry practise was limited in the private sector. Therefore, after many years of building up the courage to leave the NHS, we set up the UK’s first Podiatry firm that guarantees service users an appointment within one working day, with a Podiatrist who does not only hold basic qualifications, but is qualified with a minimum of a first class honours degree in podiatry/podiatric medicine, a distinction level masters degree in surgery/biomechanics and a postgraduate Level 7 course in independent prescribing, giving your podiatrist rights to prescribe any medicine in the UK, similar to your doctor or Nurse Prescriber! 96% of Podiatrists are unable to do this.


We are a community-based company that only offers the most up-to-date and highest quality treatments available. We have registered Podiatrists and Nurses on hand ready to deal with your enquiry 13 hours per day. In addition to being able to independently prescribe any medication, we can also interpret x-rays and blood tests, perform surgical procedures and prescribe and manufacture both insoles and footwear. Our clinicians are qualified way above the minimum entry standards for podiatrists, chiropodists and Nurses and have conducted a minimum of 6 years of training in lower limb disease. This is what makes us uniquely different to other foot clinics, and is something we value and deem to be essential to ensure you receive the correct diagnosis and the highest stands of care possible.


For certain foot treatments, it is important that you ensure your clinician is a registered Podiatrist with the Health Care Professions Council to ensure your safety. This is because Podiatrists are trained to a high standard to understand the underpinning knowledge behind disease and know when it is safe and unsafe to use sharp instruments on certain types of patients. At Same Day Podiatry, you can guarantee that all of our clinicians are full degree qualified podiatrists with full registration with the Health Care Professions Council.


We offer a comprehensive package of services including callus and corn removal, nail surgery, verruca management, foot pain management, musculoskeletal assessment, diabetic foot care, foot ulcer treatment, nail surgery, orthotic therapy, bespoke footwear manufacture, gait analysis, paediatric conditions, and much more. We can see you in the comfort of your own home at no extra cost.

NHS waiting times are at an all time high. The average waiting time for a podiatry appointment in the NHS is approximately 16 weeks. We can issue urgent same day prescriptions for antibiotics, antifungals, creams, and even some controlled medicines to manage pain, which you can collect immediately from your local pharmacy.


We are not only the best, we are also one of the cheapest. We want to make sure podiatry is accessible to all patients. Why not contact us today to find out more.

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What makes us stand out!

1) We are fully qualified independent prescribers. Only about 5% of UK Podiatrists can prescribe like a GP. That means there are no limitations on how we can treat you. Other clinics will need to refer you back to your GP for almost every medicine you need.


2) We are master's degree holders in Podiatry. We have an additional 3 years of advanced training on top of the standard 3 year bachelor's degree needed to qualify as a podiatrist. This means we are qualified to offer more complex and advanced treatments and services, with additional knowledge to back it up.


3) We are Principal/Consultant level Podiatrists. We meet the requirements of the podiatry competency skills framework to be Principal/Consultant level podiatrists. Our podiatrists have worked at a minimum of band 8a level and above within the NHS, demonstrating that they have satisfied NHS interview panels that they meet the gruelling high standards to use these titles with their experience, skills, knowledge and qualifications.

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Board of Directors

Only the directors are shown here, there may be other non-directorate team members including podiatrists working with us either now or in the future that will not appear on this page. Please contact us if you require any further details.


Mr. Jacob Penkethman
MSc, PgCert, BSc (hons), MCPod

Consultant Podiatrist and Clinical Director

Mr. Penkethman is the company director of Same Day Podiatry Ltd, and award winning Consultant/Principal Level Podiatrist with over a decade of training and experience in advanced foot medicine. He holds a distinction-level master's degree in foot and ankle surgery (podiatric surgery), a first-class honours degree in podiatric medicine and has doctoral level experience in research. He is a fully qualified independent prescriber and is extremely passionate about podiatry. 


Mr. Penkethman has dedicated most of his career to the NHS, where he quickly progressed to some of the highest levels attainable for podiatrists. He has also helped to influence national policy, and is a regular speaker at conferences. Prior to embarking in full-time private practice, he worked in numerous roles throughout different NHS Trusts and academia, such as associate university lecturer in podiatry. He ended his NHS career as the band 8a Principal Podiatrist for a large NHS Trust managing band 7 senior podiatrists across a large county. Mr. Penkethman has won multiple awards for his outstanding level of practice, including the NHS Service Award and Multidisciplinary Team of the Year Award.  He has also been published in numerous outlets for his contribution to the profession, including the Daily Mail  and many others.


He has specialist interest in in foot surgery, foot pain, MSK/Biomechanics, verruca management, prescribing and wound healing. His qualifications and his experience in foot disease acquired over a decade of training means there is virtually nothing he cannot handle, and would be delighted to get you back on your feet.

Mrs. Khloe Ajana
PgDIP, BSc (hons), BSc (hons), NMC

Specialist Nurse and HR Manager

Mrs. Ajana is a shareholder and director for Same Day Podiatry Ltd. She is a qualified nurse, with extensive experience in managing and advising on foot conditions. She has a wealth of experience across many domains including business, sales and nursing. She holds two bachelors of science degrees in Nursing and Psychology, and has spent a large portion of her career working with patients with foot problems and the psychological impact they can have on people's health.

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Woman with Crossed Arms

Loubna Abduk-Kafi

Operations Manager

Loubna is the general manager, and helps to manage the day to day operations of the business. She is a key part of the business operations, and is also a shareholder.

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